Silver’s Shrinking Supply
It was one of the most extraordinary sights you’ll ever come across. This was an industrial-sized operation (which later went bankrupt): dozens of people sitting at long tables, sorting and opening packages. Cut the flap on one and out plops an extracted gold tooth filling. From another, a gold necklace chain. Reach into a third bag, and someone has sent in Grandpa’s gold watch.
JL YastineHave you ever seen the inside of one of those “buy gold for cash” outfits? I ventured into one years ago back in my days as a reporter.
It was one of the most extraordinary sights you’ll ever come across. This was an industrial-sized operation (which later went bankrupt): dozens of people sitting at long tables, sorting and opening packages. Cut the flap on one and out plops an extracted gold tooth filling. From another, a gold necklace chain. Reach into a third bag, and someone has sent in Grandpa’s gold watch.
Tuesday, January 26th
First published here: Silver’s Shrinking Supply