We are already in the throes of the worst market mayhem since 2008.
Lack of Confidence Leads to Greater Risk of Market Shutdown, Even Martial Law https://t.co/njLUt6Q4gb
— Money Metals Exchange LLC (@MoneyMetals) March 16, 2020
Lack of Confidence Leads to Greater Risk of Market Shutdown, Even Martial Law
As cancellations, emergency restrictions, and panic selling of assets spreads, the global economy is at risk of grinding to a halt. We are already in the throes of the worst market mayhem since 2008.
If the news on the coronavirus front gets any worse from here, we will be facing a once in a century financial crisis – and a possible Great Depression ahead.
That said, there are at least some reasons to be hopeful. The number of coronavirus cases in China and Korea appears to have plateaued. Warmer weather in the weeks ahead and more aggressive containment strategies may begin to inhibit the spread of the deadly infection in the U.S. and Europe.