Each 5 ounce silver coin carries its own unique story...
The Cumberland Island National Seashore is 44th in this popular coin series which will ultimately include 56 different and beautiful designs #silver #silvercoins #coins https://t.co/Ir15iWc57r
— Money Metals Exchange LLC (@MoneyMetals) April 3, 2020
The Cumberland Island National Seashore is 44th in this popular coin series which will ultimately include 56 different and beautiful designs
The reverse (tails) side of the coin depicts a snow egret perched on a branch and getting ready for flight. A salt marsh lies in the background. Inscribed on the reverse are the words; Cumberland Island, Georgia, 2018, and E Pluribus Unum.
The obverse carries the familiar coin portrait of George Washington - the portrait featured on current Washington quarters. The inscriptions on this side include; United States of America, Liberty, In God We Trust and Quarter Dollar.